O my God, in You I trust, Do not let me be ashamed; Do not let my enemies exult (triumph) over me.
Psalm 25:2
- Who we place our trust in should be a settled matter in our lives.
- David knew in whom he trusted, and he declared it openly.
- Let us express our faith and confidence in God no matter what we are facing.
- You will not be disappointed; He will help, save and deliver you.
- Your enemies, those who oppose not only you, but also God’s way of living, will not triumph over you.
- God will keep your enemies from overcoming you and what God stands for in your life.
- You will not be put to shame because your enemies will not succeed against you.
PRAYER: You are my God and I trust in You. Regardless of my situation and circumstances, I declare that I am trusting in You to help, save and deliver me from my enemies, in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Have a wonderful Wednesday. Good morning. Shalom!
God bless you always and in all ways.
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